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This dress I made for my princess in December. It was made for a very
special occasion - her Xmas performance where she sang Slovak Christmas carols
with other Slovak children. She took it really seriously, she prepared for it and during the performance she behaved like a little lady. She learned a
lot of new songs in her mother tongue (that made me very happy, of course!) and
one song in an African language with the refrain in English. The African song
became her favourite (which was the case of almost all the children
participating!).The whole thing was organized by the Slovak Catholic Mission as a part of a charity project aimed to help children with disabilities in Africa. We hope it helped!

My princess appreciates especially the 'dancing skirt' :-D
For the performance, it was accompanied by two big flowers - one as a brooch attached to her waist, the other as a clip in her hair. She does not wear these except for the special occasions...
As I found it a bit too simple without the flowers, I was thinking what to add to the dress... Finally I added a crochet collar my mother made for my princess and a crochet ribbon at the waist.
Have a nice evening and a sunny weekend!
london, lifestyle, music, fashion
Thank you :-)