Usually I use my blog to show you the projects I liked - I enjoyed making it and I appreciated the result. However, today I´ll show you the dress I made and I will probably never wear :-D Although I had fun sewing it, the pattern was very easy and the instructions very clear and although the dress is as it was supposed to be, I don´t like it. I have fallen in love with the model as soon as I saw it in the magazine and I am sure it could look good on someone else, but evidently it is not a model for me :-(
I prefer it with the thin belt...
The model comes from Burda magazine September 2013, pattern no. 108. I used cotton voile for the sleeves and the Chambray for the rest.

I am already thinking of transforming the dress... I will let you know if I ever realize one of my many ideas for the transformation, I just have to decide what I would really like to do with it and what would look good on me! Hard to decide :-D
I will appreciate your ideas!
Have a nice sunny afternoon!
With all the work you did and the money you paid you should just alter it.
Other wise it looks like you did a very good job.