Princess Merida custume
With a great delay (there are still plenty of completed projects I have not posted about yet and I would like to catch up...) I would like to show you the costume I made for my daughter for the school carnival this year (in February!).
She has asked to be the princess Merida from the film "Brave".
My princess loves that dress. Unfortunately it´s not a kind of dress she can wear outside (except the carnival party of course)... However, she likes wearing it at home at any time...
She has asked to be the princess Merida from the film "Brave".
I bought some nice soft stretch velvet in navy bleu and for the blouse under the dress I used some satin that left from one of my previous projects.
The pattern is homemade, the skirt has 4 identical pieces, tight around the belly and on the hips and wider at the bottom.
The top part of the dress is very tight. As the fabric is stretch and very soft, the dress stays comfy :-)
There is the zipper on the back which is very long. That is also the fact that contributes to the comfyness.
The blouse is ruffled around the neck and at the end of the sleeves.
On the shoulders and on the elbows, the blouse should be visible so I made the sleeves of the dress in three separate parts and attached them by the four short strips made of the same fabric.
My princess loves that dress. Unfortunately it´s not a kind of dress she can wear outside (except the carnival party of course)... However, she likes wearing it at home at any time...
Daddy has made the wood bow and arrows, I´ve painted them in gold and I made a quiver in brown fleece that I attached to the belt.
What a Merida costume would be without her red hair?! In fact, her hair should have been orange but I really could not find it... Finally I was glad to buy red hair... and my princess was so happy with it! It is all that matters. :-)

What a fun it was to make this costume, my little princess cooperated with pleasure and had so much enthusiasm and so much joy when it was finished that I can say: it was definitely not a wasting of time!

What a fun it was to make this costume, my little princess cooperated with pleasure and had so much enthusiasm and so much joy when it was finished that I can say: it was definitely not a wasting of time!
Happy sewing and have fun!