Recap of the year 2014
Year 2014 is almost over so it´s time to sum up...
2/ Zipper skirt:

Well, what did the year 2014 bring me?
I looked back at the projects made earlier this year...
When speaking about the popularity of my posts: among the posts published in 2014, the most visited ones were:
1/ Martine dress:
2/ Zipper skirt:
3/ August bag:
And the posts I liked the most myself? My favorite projects?
It may sound ridiculous but the projects I loved the most are those which are the less practical. Those that I made not because my daughter (or me?) needed something but because she wanted something. Those projects that I made just for fun or to make my little princess happy. Just to see this amazing smile on her face, the joy in her eyes and to be awarded with the big hug! :-D
But that´s not all. There is something more in it... What a fabulous feeling to be able to do something my daughter wished for and was not yet accessible on the market, without searching for it in every shop, even without looking for the pattern I could use, just like that - using my (or her) imagination, my two hands and a sewing machine. Of course, I can´t forget the fabric which is not always cheap and accessible... :-D
And you know what? My daughter who was often watching me sewing during this year, she surprised me one day by saying that she would buy a lot of fabric for me and I would sew her whatever she desired. I tried to explain her that it is not possible to make everything she wanted just with the fabric, as her wishes were sometimes really "non-sense". Then I decided to let her dream... And to let her believe that everything is possible if you are making it with love... and with the right fabric ;-)
Does anybody understand what I am speaking about? I hope so... I got a bit lost in my thoughts...
Here are the three biggest "miracles" of the thread and fabric:
1/ Sponge Bob:
It was a big surprise for her 6th birthday. I loved her look when she found it. And now it has a stable place in her bed and serves as a cushion. :-)
It was impossible to find that costume in any shop here in Belgium. I am proud of that dress because it really suits her, I did not have a pattern but the size was really perfect. I loved especially the skirt of the dress. We even made some accessories to go with the costume. I find that dress a success.
Magic no. 3, another costume my daughter asked for. The film Frozen has become so popular that the big part of the sewing mothers made a costume of Elsa or Anna for their daughters! :-)
From the technical point of view, this dress was not a big deal, but it was so quick, so easy to sew and it was so much appreciated by the receiver that I simply must love it!
4/ Martine dress:
I am really proud of that dress. It took quite a long time as I wanted it to be perfect so I really though about each step twice... and while sewing that dress, I also learned some new techniques. And I can´t forget the fact that I participated in a sew-along with that dress, for the very first time!
I would like to pay tribute to my mum who made a lot of things for her little princess, her only grand-daughter. And she made even a lot more for her daughters when we were children. She taught me to love the art of the handmade. Unfortunately, she lives too far to teach me to sew...
This hat is such a cutie and so well done! It almost made me regret not to be able to crochet! :-) Well, I really prefer sewing.
My little angel was so sweet in it, don´t you think?
I liked that dress a lot and my girl as well. I made it for her 6th birthday - for the party with her friends. I do not understand in fact why that dress was not among the most popular posts, not even the first ten! For me, it has everything to love :-)
I decided to list that post among my most favorite ones for one particular reason: it was the first time I made a real tutorial! It was a step forward for me.
Well, how to sum up the year that will be over in a few days?
I learned a lot of new techniques in sewing, I made my first tutorials, I participated in a sew-along for the first time and I had a lot and lot of fun doing all of these!
I also continued blogging, I published a lot more posts than the year before and I have more and more followers on my blog. Thank you all for following me, for supporting me, for encouraging me! You mean a lot to me.
At this place, I would like to thank a lot to all my blogging and sewing friends and also to my family, especially my mother for everything she gave me, that will stay in my heart forever. My tolerant and supporting man without whom I would certainly never even start to sew! My two stepsons that often have to bear my nervousness and impatience. And of course my little angel who is the source of my inspiration. My daughter is still at the age when she appreciates what her mom has done for her, she does not see the weaknesses or eventual defects, no, she is looking by her heart! And that brings me an enormous desire to continue. I started to sew for her and I continue thanks to her.
THANK YOU everybody for that lovely year!
PS: And thanks a lot for reading until the end... I am sorry if I was too nostalgic...
I wish you all a nice end of this year and SEE YOU IN 2015!
Happy new year to everyone!